Use with Astro - Flowbite React

Learn how to install Flowbite React for your Astro project and start building modern websites with a lightning fast and content-focused web framework

Create project#

  1. Run the following command to create a new Astro project:
npm create astro@latest
  1. Install react using the Astro CLI:
npx astro add react

Note: Make sure to answer Yes to all the questions.

Setup Tailwind CSS#

  1. Install tailwindcss using the Astro CLI:
npx astro add tailwind

Note: Make sure to answer Yes to all the questions.

Install Flowbite React#

  1. Run the following command to install flowbite and flowbite-react:
npm i flowbite flowbite-react
  1. Add the Flowbite plugin to tailwind.config.mjs and include content from flowbite-react:
/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
export default {
  content: [
    // ...
  plugins: [
    // ...

Dark mode#

In server side rendered applications, such as Astro, to avoid page flicker (if dark mode is set) before Astro hydrates the content, ThemeModeScript component must be rendered in Head component (see implementation below).

ThemeModeScript renders a script tag that sets dark or removes dark from <html> element before hydration occurs.


  1. Create a root layout file under src/layouts folder called index.astro:
// src/layouts/index.astro

<html lang="en">
    <slot />
  1. Import and render ThemeModeScript in the <head> tag:
// src/layouts/index.astro

import { ThemeModeScript } from "flowbite-react";

<html lang="en">
    <ThemeModeScript />
    <slot />
  1. Import the newly created layout and wrap the page content with it:
// src/pages/index.astro

import RootLayout from "../layouts/index.astro";

  // ...

Component hydration#

By default, a UI Framework component is not hydrated in the client. If no client:* directive is provided, its HTML is rendered onto the page without JavaScript (Astro - Client Directives).

To enable Flowbite React components to be interactive add client:load, client:idle or client:visible (see docs) as a prop.

<DarkThemeToggle client:load />

Try it out#

Now that you have successfully installed Flowbite React you can start using the components from the library.

// src/pages/index.astro

import { Button } from "flowbite-react";
import RootLayout from "../layouts/index.astro";

  <Button>Click me</Button>